Reopening in Mondo Kaos
Dear everyone! Yay, we didn't dare hope for it, but now it's happening! The shops must open again. We are of course super happy about it, and are so looking forward to seeing you again.
In the meantime, behind the scenes, we have been busy packing and sending to you. In addition, we have received a sea of new goods, we have done well for the reopening. In short: we have not been on the lazy side.
Having said that, we know what it's like, the virus is here, and we have to look after each other, we have to show consideration towards others, even if you're the type who doesn't take it all that seriously. We are all different and we know that it is an insidious virus, and we really don't want to have to shut down again. Therefore, we are just repeating some of the precautions that apply with us.
We open on MONDAY March 1, 2021!
Meeeeen, we are also open every other day from 10:00-18:00 as usual. And although we know that some items tend to sell quickly, there has been a lot of new stuff, so there should probably be plenty of exciting clothes , even if you're not there on Monday at 10:00 😊
We naturally adhere to the current guidelines, so a face mask must be used inside, and the number of people who can be in the store will be on the door (at the time of writing 5 at a time including staff).
We ask that we all help each other; that you just look in through the windows and look around when you enter and just consider how many customers are already present, in case the Mondo girls are at the fitting rooms or picking up clothes for a customer in the warehouse.

Alcohol withdrawal
There is alcohol by the door, which we ask everyone to use when they enter the store. In return, we spray surfaces and handles all day long. Remember to keep your distance from all customers and staff, and be considerate.
Sample room culture
There is also hand sanitizer in the fitting room. We ask that you do not spend too long in the fitting room.
We know you can lose track of time in the fitting room, but everyone thinks it's boring to wait too long, so please keep that in mind.❤️
prepare yourself
A good idea is to go through our webshop before you come to the store, so you know what you are particularly interested in trying, and you can thus find this more quickly. If necessary, take screenshots of the goods so that we can quickly help you and find them for you.
Shop alone
We also ask that you do not bring advisers with you on these days, so that you do not take up unnecessary space in the shop. We know it's super nice to have a friend with you, but if we reach our limit in the store (currently 5 people) we unfortunately have to ask the companion to wait outside. BUT luckily we have good windows, through which you can easily give 👍🏻 or 👎🏻.
We will also endeavor to have seating outside, so that you can sit there if there are too many people in the store, both as a guest or when a queue forms.
Contact us with questions.
Telephone inquiries: As something new, we have introduced fixed telephone times daily between 9:00-10:00. Unfortunately, outside of this time we cannot guarantee that we can answer the phone as we are often busy during the store's opening hours.
Mail: Alternatively, you are always welcome to write an email to the store with your questions. We will respond as soon as possible, usually within a day.
Personal Shopping
We have also opened up Personal Shopping again, so if you need special help or are particularly vulnerable to infection, you can book an appointment on the first Monday of the month.

We wish we could hold a big opening party with bubbles and fun, but that's not possible right now.
We will save it until, hopefully sometime later in 2021, we are in a place where you are again safe from CoVid 19, and you can hug and talk and be more together at once. There is also 'one' who turns 15 later this year, so it could easily be a good reason for a party!
But right now we know how to appreciate the small progress, so let's stand firm, keep our distance and show consideration and hopefully help keep us and others corona-free. See you soon.
Warmest regards,
Team Mondo Kaos ❤
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